Handbook about Chernihiv
You are asking yourself: Is there a Marshrutka that will take you directly from the Pedagogical University to Boksal? Or from your home on Lubets`ka Street to the Polyclinic? Or to the main Police Station ?Sometimes it is not easy to find out. You know what Autobuses, Trolleybuses, and Marshrutkas will take you on everyday routines. To your job or your school or your mother’s home or to your church, and back, too.
But if you have to get to an unusual place in the city, you may not know. You can inquire of a neighbor or at a kiosk or of anyone who may be standing at a stop. But maybe you will get wrong information!
This Handbook — the first of its kind in Chernihiv — is designed to help you. In it you will find quickly all the information you need to make the best use of our growing and increasingly complex network of Trolleybuses, Autobuses, Marshrutkas, and Taxis serving our city.
There are many of all these. If you want to make your trip only by Trolleybus, you will quickly see how to arrange your trip. Or only by Autobuses or Marshrutkas. Or you may want to use a combination of these. The easy arrangement of all this information will make it simple.
You will also learn valuable facts about our Taxis.
Thinking of a trip to another city or village? In these pages you will find information about the Trains, Autobuses, and Marshrutkas that you can choose from.
This handbook gives you:
-- A brief history of the various services.
-- Tells you who operates and regulates them.
-- How many vehicles of each kind there are.
-- How each service functions.
-- How routes are determined and changed.
-- What the fares are.
-- How frequently they run their routes.
-- What hours that they operate.
What rules or regulations apply.
-- How someone qualifies to become a driver.
-- Where you can obtain information or report a complaint.
A VALUABLE FEATURE! This Handbook shows you how to mix and combine services. For example: by taking an Autobus and then a Trolleybus, or a Marshrutka, depending on where you want to go, and how much time you have, and how much money you want to spend or save, and what time of day it is!
Our sincere thanks to the Chernihiv Department of Transportation for its help and cooperation, and particularly to its director, Mr. Voronin Vladimir Vasilievich. Bordakov Mykola Oleksandrovich deputy director of the Chernihiv Department of Public Transportation, Sheremet Viktor Andriyovych, the head of the section of the same organisation, Skvarsky Vitaly Vitaliyovych, the specialist of the Passenger`s Transit Section, Burdov Volodymyr Kostyantynovych, the head of the Investments and Tourism Administration, Slesaryova Tetyana Mykolaivna, the head of the Section of the Chernihiv Department of Public Transportation, Smelovs`ka Ol`ga Mykolaivna, the director of the Advertisement Agency «Reno», Pavlenok Galyna, the graduate of the faculty of Іnternational Relations made a considerable contribution in this project. Our sincere thanks to the various operators, companies, and agencies that we have consulted.
Their cooperation has been indispensable. This is the only handbook providing this detailed and comprehensive information!
Any changes in routes or of any other kind will be indicated in the next issue.
Keep the Handbook handy. You will use it often. Tell your friends about it.
Our Autobuses are the oldest organized system of transportation in Chernihiv. The Chernihiv Department of Transportation regulates and supervises them. The first Autobuses went into service in 1960. The present network of routes developed quickly. The last route to go into service was Route 44 in 2008.
Autobuses are privately owned and operated. Operators obtain a license to operate Autobuses through a public-bidding process open to any person who meets certain conditions. A license is valid for five years. It must be extended through the process of public bidding. There are about 15 Autobus operators in the city, and most operate from 6 to 20 Autobuses. One operates 100.
There are about 600 Autobuses in service. The oldest is 21 years old and the newest was added last year. Most are approximately 7 years old.
The system covers 42 routes. Each route is indicated by a number. The numbers are assigned by the Department of Transportation. Autobuses carry the route number on their front and rear.
So, it is important to know that Autobus 9 covers the same route as Trolley 9, or Marshrutka 9, or that it does not!
They usually stop at the same stops as Trolleybuses, but occasionally they use different stops, sometimes 50 or 75 meters away, such as in front of School Number 1 or at the Hotel Ukraine Stop on Prospect Mira. You must be careful to choose the right stop!
Autobuses are operated by a driver who may be male or female but is usually male, and a conductor who is usually female. The conductor collects fares, issues receipts, and provides information about travel within the city. Some buses do not have a conductor, or may not have a conductor later in the evening when there are fewer passengers. At that time, passengers must pay the driver.
Autobuses are in the middle range of expense among public vehicles, between the cheaper Trolleybuses and the more expensive Marshrutkas. The present fare is 1.50 hryvnia per ride. No transfers are available. If you must take two Autobuses to cover your route, you must pay twice.
All adults pay the same fare, and children under six are free, and school children till 18 pay half a price if they a Student Card in their possession.
Some Autobuses have a punch system: the passenger must take a ticket and punch it on a special mechanism to prove that it has been validated.. Inspectors fine violators 10 times the fare price for a failure to follow this procedure.
Autobuses operate from 5 a.m. to midnight. Their usual frequency is every 5 to 20 minutes. Some routes, such as Route № 12, operate more frequently. A driver may be a man or a woman. There are approximately 800 drivers in the system. Their normal workday is 8 hours per day and 40 hours per week. Conductors may be a man or a woman. They work the same hours as the drivers.
A driver must be at least 21 years old. Drivers must pass a special test. And they must have a special license.
Our Autobuses travel about 600 million kilometers per year and carry about 57 million travelers per year. The number of travelers is increasing by about 15 % per year
Our Trolleybuses began to appear only two years later. The first Trolleybuses went into service in 1964. The first routes were limited. The present network of routes has developed since then. The last routes to go into service were Routes 3 and 11 in 1999.
They Trolleybuses are the only public-transport vehicles operated by the Chernihiv Department of Transportation. It is a municipal service. The Autobuses, Marshrutkas, and Taxis are privately operated, but the Chernihiv Department of Transportation supervises them.
The system covers 11 routes. Each route is indicated by a number ranging from 1 to 11. Trolleybuses covering that route carry the number on their front, rear, and sides. Route 1 was the first route to go into service and Route 11 was the last.
There are 80 Trolleybuses in service. The oldest is 22 years old and the newest was added this year. Most are more than 20 years old.
Most Trolleybuses are operated by a driver and a conductor, and they may be male or female. The conductor collects fares, issues receipts, and provides information about travel within the city.
A few Trolleybuses have only a driver. Passengers buy their tickets from the driver and validate them by punching them with the special tools conveniently located in the vehicle. Inspectors fine violators 10 times the fare.
Trolleybuses are the least expensive public vehicles to ride. The present fare is 1 hrn per ride. No transfers are available. If you must take two Trolleybuses to cover your route, you must pay twice.
Pensioners and handicapped persons do not pay. Students pay a reduced fare but must buy a monthly ticket and have a Student Card in their possession. Children under 6 are free.
Trolleybuses operate from 5 a.m. to midnight every day. Their usual frequency is approximately every 15 minutes, at some hours longer. Some routes, such as Route 2, operate more frequently.
A driver may be a man or a woman. There are approximately 125 drivers in the system and about the same number of conductors. Their normal workday is 8 hours per day and 40 hours per week. Conductors may be a man or a woman.
A driver must be between the ages of 18 and 70. Drivers must pass a 15-month course. And they must have a special license.
Our Trolleybuses travel about 6 mln kilometers per year and carry about 40 mln passengers per year. The number of passengers has been increasing by about 15 % a year.
QUESTION: What is the difference between a Marshrutka and an Autobus? A Marshrutka must have no more than 22 seats. Autobuses have more than 22.
Our Marshrutkas are the latest public vehicles on our streets. They are a fairly recent phenomenon. The first Marshrutkas went into service in 1998 and the present network of routes has developed since then. New routes continue to be developed. The Marshrutkas have become very popular. We now have more than 200, with more being added.
The system covers 43 routes. Each route is indicated by a number.
Some Marshrutkas are quite large. And quite comfortable. Like Autobuses, Marshrutkas are privately owned and operated, sometimes by operators who own Autobuses as well. The Chernihiv Department of Transportation regulates and supervises these as well. Call 67-68-08 with any questions or complaints.
Operators obtain a license to operate Marshrutkas through a public-bidding process open to any person who meets certain conditions. A license is valid for no more than 5 years. It must be extended through the process of public bidding.
There are 180 marshrutkas in the city.
There are about 15 Marshrutka operators in the city, and each operates from 6 to 50 Marshrutkas.
Most Marshrutkas are approximately 7 years old. What is interesting is that some are manufactured here in Chernihiv.
fare to a passenger in front, who will pass it on to the driver. If the passenger is owed change, the driver will pass it back the same way.
Marshrutkas typically have 13 to16 seats. During rush hours, they are often full. City regulations allow them to carry up to 4 standees.
It can be dangerous to stand in a Marshrukta as it lurches and brakes and accelerates and goes around corners. Important to hold on firmly!
Marshrutkas are the most expensive of our public vehicles. The present fare is 2 hryvnias per ride. Fare increases must be approved by the City Administration . No transfers are available. If you must take two Marshrutkas to cover your route, you must pay twice.
The law provides that pensioners and handicapped persons are exempted from fares. Students pay the full fare. A child who can sit on a parent’s lap rides free.
There are no inspectors.
Marshrutkas have been known to pass by waiting passengers without stopping to let them board. Usually this is because they are full. But it has been seen to happen when they are not full. No explanation ?
Marshrutkas operate from 5 a.m. to midnight every day. Their usual frequency is every 10 minutes. Some routes, such as Routes 27, operate more frequently.
They stop at the same stops as Autobuses.
A driver may be a man or a woman. There are approximately 200 drivers in the system. Their normal workday is 8 hours per day and workweek 40 hours. A driver must be between the ages of 18 and 60. Drivers must pass a special test. And they must have a special license.
Our Marshrutkas travel about 16,0 million kilometers per year and carry about 10,0 million travelers per year. The number of travelers is increasing every year.
About Our TAXIS
Chernihiv has approximately 500 taxis. Many operate around the clock. They are all privately owned. Some individuals have fleets of as many as 60 taxis. Some have just one or two. Some can be summoned by telephone, and others may be stopped by hailing them on the street or engaging them while parked.
They are supervised by Oblast` Administration and the Ministry of Transport. All owners must have a taxi permit. All taxis must carry special liability insurance in case of injury to passengers. All drivers must be licensed as taxi drivers. Drivers may be male or female. They must have a driving license.
Some owners are free-lancers who operate their private automobile as taxis during certain hours or on certain days. They may drive their vehicle themselves or hire another person to do the driving.
Taxis in Chernihiv do not have fare meters. The fare is what the driver says it is. It can happen that a taxi will ask different fares depending on the hour of the day or the driving or weather conditions. It is prudent to ask the fare before you hire one. Bargaining is possible.
Some taxis have been known to cheat customers. It is best to hire a taxi that has a taxi name painted on its side as well as its telephone number, in addition to a taxi sign on the roof.
For dependable service, it is best to telephone for a taxi. Reservations for service can be made in advance. Some taxis will drive you to your destination and wait for you to complete your service, then take you home, but there will be a charge for waiting time.
You may agree to a price with the driver, but be aware that any change of decision that you make along the way (such as adding a stop, however brief or short, or altering the route) will probably change your final fare.
Taxis usually charge the same fare for one passenger or two or three passengers going to the same place.
Some taxis may charge more if you are carrying luggage or bulky packages or if you need help with loading or unloading your luggage or packages.
Customers often engage a taxi when they purchase a television set, as an example, and find a taxi the most convenient way to get it home.
Some taxis can be hired for longer rides outside the city, and even for long distances.
Some taxis can be engaged for sightseeing tours around the city, or for a certain number of hours, stopping and waiting as the passenger conducts business at one place and then goes on to another.
Some taxis can be engaged for regular daily service, such as to go to work or to come home from work at the same time every day.
Tipping is not usual, but tips for good service, or special service, are gladly accepted.
Some taxis carry a telephone number on their side.
About Our Inter-City Services
Train service is regulated and supervised by a government agency. Its name is Railroad administration, Kyiv.
Chernihiv offers train service all over Ukraine and beyond, sometimes without changing railroad car. Passengers may take a train and transfer in Kiev or elsewhere to go to another destination. It is possible to travel to any country in Europe by boarding a train in Chernihiv.
There are different classes of service: some with simple seats, some with upholstered seats, some with compartments whose comfortable benches convert to bunks for sleeping. Inquire at the station.
If you are a foreigner unable to speak Ukrainian or Russian, it would be wise to be accompanied by a person who can. Service in English at the railroad station is not usual.
The railroad station (called Voksal) is located at 1 Prospect Peremogy, about 3 kilometers from the city center. It is open 24 hours a day. The station can be reached by Trolleybus, Autobus, Marshrutka, or Taxi.
The station is a handsome building. It is considered a masterpiece of late 20th Century Ukrainian architecture. It has spacious waiting rooms, many ticket windows (separate for passengers and cargo shipments), and all amenities, including information services, toilets, food facilities, drugstore (apteka), police services, souvenir and newspaper and book kiosks, and emergency medical services. It also offers overnight sleeping accommodations for train passengers.
At this time there is one diesel-electric train each day to Kiev and return. Currently it departs at 6:18 a.m. and reaches Kiev at 9:20 a.m. It departs Kiev at 6 p.m. and returns to Chernihiv at 8:30. p.m. You can also reach Kyiv by the other electric train. It leaves Chernihiv at 8:44 a.m. and arrives in Nezhin at 11:20. It makes many stops during the way. In Nezhin this electric train makes a stop of about one hour.
In Nezhin you have to change trains to reach Kyiv. It is best to confirm the time! The main phone number for inquiries is just 15-05 but you may also call 657-666 or 657-555. Calls are answered by ticket clerks. If they are busy with passengers at their window, they may delay answering calls.
Autobus service to numerous other cities and towns is available from the Autobus Terminal (Avtovoksal) next door to the Train Terminal. It is located at 3 Peremogy Street—just a short walk from the railroad station..
Autobus service is supervised by Joint-Stock company the Bus Station Enterprise .
There are numerous bus lines and they are all privately owned and operated. Some operate large 40-passenger buses, others Marshrutkas that accommodate a dozen or so passengers. Often they are the only public transportation to many smaller communities. Sometimes they are the only practical way to reach a certain destination.
The buses connect with other bus lines in larger cities. You can buy ticket to Mykolaiv (Ukraine), Klimovo (Russia), Minsk (Buelorussia).It is possible to buy a through ticket to a distant destination from Chernihiv, for example, Keln or Shtuttgart. Usually they have fixed prices for tickets. If the route is popular, the buses go more often. The buses go to numerous population areas, big and small in the limits of region: to Shchors, Gorodnya, Priluki, Sribne, Sumy, Slavutich and also to Ky]v, Myrgorod. Usually they have fixed rates. The more popular the route the more often the departure.
The station is open around the clock every day of the week. Buses can depart at all times of the day. There are detailed viewing boards showing timetables of departures and arrivals. Times are announced on a public address loud-speaker service, but passengers must be attentive.
The station has all the usual services, for food and rest, with a café and numerous private vendors outside the station. It is possible to rent a bed in a hostel within the station for the night.?
If you are a foreigner unable to speak Ukrainian or Russian, it would be wise to be accompanied by a person who can. Bilingual service at the railroad station is not usual.
It is estimated that there are some 70,000 inter-city bus riders per year.
The station is located next to the Railway station, a large outdoor market offering foods and merchandise of all kinds.
Inter-City Marshrutka Service is also available from the Autobus Terminal and at several other points in the city. There are several operators.
The Marshrutkas go to a number of communities, big and small. They usually have fixed rates, with no haggling. The more popular the route, the more frequent the departure. From some starting points, a Marshrutka may leave for Kiev every 20 or 30 minutes.
Marshrutka passengers in Kiev may transfer to Marshrutkas going to all major cities in the country.
Foreigners may not be familiar with Marshrutkas. As explained above, Marshrutkas are vans, some just for 12 passengers, some for many more. They are sometimes called fixed-route taxis because they cover a certain route the way a scheduled bus does, over and over again.
It is best to obtain precise information at the Terminal. It is wise to go a day or two in advance to check services, frequencies, and prices. It may even be possible to make a reservation.
A frequent practice is for a Marshrutka to depart only when it is filled. At busy commuter times, this may be at approximately every 15 minutes. At other times, less frequently. On Fridays and Sundays and Monday mornings, there may be lines of travelers waiting to get aboard.
At some times, especially when a traveler is getting aboard from a village along the route, he may be accepted on board as a standee.
There may be times when a Marshrutka will bypass a passenger waiting along the road to be picked up. It all seems to be up to the decision of the driver.
Marshrutka service is also available from other points in the city. The best known locations are by the Hotel Ukraine on Prospect Peremogy and a few blocks away next to McDonald’s Restaurant, also on
Prospect Peremogy. Also from of the Mega-Center Shopping Center on Prospect Mira. There are other locations also.
Inter-City Marshrutkas are supervised by City Administration and the Ministry of Transport and Connection.
How to Get to Borispil Airport
NOTE: You may see it spelled Boryspil` or Borispol. The first is Ukrainian, the official language of Ukraine. The second is Russian.
Until the arrival of Marshrutkas, it was difficult to reach the airport from here. There was no direct service by train or autobus. If you did not have an auto of your own, you had to take a taxi to the airport. Or the train or a bus to Kiev and then get to the airport from there. It is about xx kilometers from the center of Kiev southeast of the city. That was possible by bus, or by Metro part way and then by bus, or by taxi all the way from Kiev to the airport.
The airport is about 140 kilometers from Chernihiv.
Direct service by Marshrutka developed quite recently. For a while, there were two round trips per day. They both left from Hotel Ukraine on Prospect Peremogy. One left at 8 a.m. and reached the airport in two hours. It started back at 10 a.m. and reached Chernihiv at 12 p.m. The other left at 12 a.m., got there in two hours, started back at 2 p.m., and reached Chernihiv at 4 p.m. The last left Chernihiv at 1a.m. and reached Borispil`at 3 a.m.
Marshrutka service changes frequently and is still expanding. Be sure to confirm and inquire at ( 8 (0462) 970- 828, 8-097- 250-90-20 – questions concerning trips to Boryspil`).
It is now possible to reserve a seat in a Marshrutka in either direction or round trip even one or two weeks in advance.
Note: At Borispil, travelers find many taxi services, including private drivers with their own vehicle. They will approach and offer their services. There seem to be no fixed fares. The fare is whatever the market will bear! So be careful. Negotiate. Be sure to have an understanding before you enter the taxi or car. It makes sense to prefer established services and taxis. It also makes sense to try to arrange rides with another traveler if possible.

Номер маршруту |
Назва маршруту |
1 |
Вул. Одинцова (Odintsova st.) –пр.Перемоги (Prospect Peremogy), Миру (Prospect Myru), вул.Щорса (Shchorsa st.), Подусівка (Podusivka), Дачі (Старий Білоус), (Dachi, Staryi Bilous) |
2 |
Гот. ”Україна” ( Gotel’ Ukraina)–Обл.лікарня ( Oblasna likarnya), Авто деталь ( Avtodetal`), Психоневрологічна лікарня ( Psyhonevrologichna likarnya) Дачі (Рівнопілля), Dachi (Rivnopillya) |
3 |
Проспект Миру ( Prospect Myru) – Центральний ринок ( Tsentral’ny rynok), Музикальна (Muzykal`na st.), КСК ( KSK ), Зарічне ( Zarichne), Дачі (Киїнка), Dachi (Kyinka) |
4 |
Забарівка (Zabarivka) – Ясен ( Yasen), 50 років ВЛКСМ ( Pyatdesyat rokiv VLKSM), пр.Миру ( Prospekt Myru), Рокосовського ( Rokosovs`ky st.), 50 років СРСР (Pyatdesyat rokiv SRSR),вул. Одінцовa ( Odintsova st.) |
5 |
Гот. ”Україна” (Gotel` Ukraina) – Войкова (Voikova st.), Чернігівгаз (Chernihivgaz), Любецька (lyubets`ka st.), Масани (Masany), Дачі (Новий Білоус), Dachi ( Novy Bilous) |
6 |
Вул. Незалежності (Nezalezhnosti st. – Школа-інтернат (Shkola-internat), Дніпровська (Dniprovs`ka st.), Цегельний з-д (Tsegel`ny zavod), З-д металоконструкцій (Zavod metalokonstruktsiy), Хімволокно (Himvolokno) |
7 |
Вул. Єськова (Yes`kova st.) – пр.Миру (prospekt Myru), Перемоги (Peremogy), вул. Молодчого (Molodchogo), вул. Шевченка (Shevchenka st.), вул. Толстого (Tolstogo st.),з-д Силікат (zavod Silikat), міст р. Десна (mist rika Desna) |
8 |
Вокзал (Vokzal)–Центральний ринок (Tsentral`ny rynok), Ляльковий театр (Lyal`kovy Teatr), Пологовий будинок (Pologovy budynok), Пожтехніка (Pozhtehnika), вул. Доценко (Dotsenko st.), вул. Одінцова (Odintsova st.) |
9 |
Лікеро-горілчаний завод (Likero-gorilchany zavod) – Градецький (Gradets`ky), Ринок (Rynok), Музикальна (Muzykal`na), Чек сіл (Cheksil), Дачі (Жавинка) – Dachi (Zhavinka) |
10 |
Пивзавод (Pyvzavod) – 50 років ВЛКСМ (Pyatdesyat rokiv VLKSM), пр.Миру (Prospekt Myru),вул. Кирпоноса (Kyrponosa st.), Лозова ф-ка (Lozova fabrika), завод ”Силікат” (zavod Silikat) |
11 |
Вокзал (Vokzal) – Центральний ринок (Tsenyral`ny rynok), Ляльковий театр (Lyal`kovy teatr), м-н Електрон (Magazyn Elektron), Школа №12 (Shkola nomer dvanadtsat`), вул. Пухова (Puhova st.) |
12 |
Вокзал (Vokzal) – Ринок (Rynok), Ляльковий театр (Lyal`kovy teatr), ринок Нива (rynok Nyva), вул. Одінцова (Odintsova st.) |
14 |
Вокзал (Vokzal) – Ринок (Rynok), Педуніверситет (Peduniversytet), Орджонікідзе (Ordzhonikidze), пр.Перемоги (Prospekt Peremogy), Одинцова (Odintsova),Будматеріали (Budmaterialy), Яцево (Yatsevo) |
15 |
Забарівка (Zabarivka) –Любецька (Lyubets`ka), вул. Войкова (Voikova st.), Україна (Ukraina). Ляльковий театр ( Lyal`kovy teatr), вул. Савчука (Savchuka st.) |
16 |
Вокзал (Vokzal) – Ринок (Rynok), Педуніверситет (Peduniversytet), стадіон Гагаріна (stadion Gagarina), Районна лікарня (Rayonna likarnya), Дачі (Улянівка) - Dachi (Ulyanivka) |
] |
17 |
Вокзал (Vokzal) –Україна (Ukraina), Київська (Kyivs`ka), м-н Електрон (magazyn Elektron), Районна лікарня (Raionna likarnya), Дачі (Новоселівка) – Dachi (Novoselivka) |
18 |
Гот. ”Україна” (gotel` Ukraina)– Молокозавод (Molokozavod), Масани (Masany), Дачі (Рудка) – Dachi (Rudka) |
19 |
Пивзавод ( Pyvzavod) – 50 років ВЛКСМ (Pyatdesyat rokiv VLKSM), Ялівчина (Yalivchyna), вул. Одінцова (Odintsova st.) |
20 |
Гот. ”Україна” (Hotel “Ukraina”) – 50 років ВЛКСМ (Puatdesyat rokiv VLKSM), вул. Красносільського (Krasnosil`s`kogo st.), ул. Незалежності (Nezalezhnosti st.) |
21 |
Вул. Незалежності (Nezalezhnosti st.) – 50 років ВЛКСМ (Puatdesyat rokiv VLKSM), Ялівщина (Yalivshchyna), Ринок Нива, ( Rynok Niva) вул. Одінцова (Odintsova st.) ЧеЗаРа (Chezara) |
22 |
Вул. Одінцова (Odintsova st.) –Ялівчина (Yalivshchyna), Обл. лікарня (Оblasna likarnya), Психоневрологiчний диспансер (Psyhonevrologichny dispanser, Дачі (Рівнопілля) – Dachi (Rivnopill`ya) |
23 |
Вокзал (Vokzal) – Україна (Ukraina), вул. Войкова (Voikova st.), вул. Любецька (Lyubets`ka st.), вул. Незалежності (Nezalezhnosti st.) |
24 |
Вокзал (Vokzal) –Україна (Ukraina), Обл. лікарня (Оblasna likarnya), - Півці –(Pivtsi) – вул. Одінцова (Odintsova st.) |
25 |
Хімволокно (Himvolokno)–Цегельний з-д (Tsegel`ny zavod),вул. Ріпкінська (Ripkins`ka st.), вул. Любецька (Lyubets`ka st.), Україна (Ukraina), Педуніверситет (Peduniversytet), вул. Савчука (Savchuka st.) |
26 |
Вул. Єськова (Yes`kova st.) – Oбл. лікарня (Oblasna likarnya), Ялівчина (Yalivshchyna), вул. Доценко (Dotsenko st.), Районна лікарня (Raionna likarnya), Будматеріали (Budmaterialy), Яцево (Yatsevo) |
27 |
Лікеро-горілчаний завод (Likero-gorilchany zavod)– Градецький (hotel Gradets`ky), Красний міст`(Krasny mist), вул. Одинцова (Odintsova st.), Пологовий будинок (Pologovy budynok), Олександрівка (Oleksandrivka) |
28 |
Вокзал (Vokzal) – Ринок (Rynok), Мегацентр (Megatsentr), Рем завод (Remzavod), вул. Тичини (Tychyny st.) |
29 |
Подусівка (Podusivka) – Мегацентр (Megatsentr), завод ”Автодеталь” (zavod “Avtodetal`) |
30 |
Пивзавод (Pyvzavod) – пр.Миру (prospect Myru), Ринок (Rynok), вул. Щорса (Shchorsa st.), вул. Толстого (Tolstogo st.), Красний міст (Krasny mist), Доценко (Dotsenko st.), Пухова (Pukhova st.), вул. Бєлова (Belova st.) |
31 |
Вул. Одінцова (Odintsova st.) – вул. Шевченко (Shevchenko st.), вул. Молодчого (Molodchogo st.), пр.Перемоги (prospect Peremogy), Миру (prospect Myru), вул. Любецька (Lyubets`ka st.), вул. Дніпровська (Dniprovs`ka st.) |
32 |
Вул. Волковича (Volkovycha st.) – вул. Червоногвардійська (Chervonogvardiys`ka st.), Ялівчина (Yalivshchyna), Пологовий будинок (Pologovy budynok), вул. Одинцова (Odintsova st.), Технологічний університет (Tehnologichny universytet) |
33 |
Протитуберкульозний диспансер (Protytuberkul`yozny dyspanser) – вул. Борисенка (Borusenka st.), вул. Кирпоноса (Kyrponosa st.), Вал (Val),Річковий порт (Richkovy port) |
34 |
Вокзал (Vokzal) – пр.Перемоги (prospect Peremogy), Миру ( prospect Myru), завод ”Автодеталь” (zavod “Avtodetal`) |
35 |
Завод ”Автодеталь” (zavod Avtodetal`) – вул. Любецька (Lubets`ka st.), вул. Комсомольська (Komsomol`s`ka st.), вул. Попудренка (Popudrenka st.), КСК (KSK) |
36 |
Вул. Бєлова (Belova st.) – Технологічний ун-т (Tehnologichny universytet), Вал (Val), Нафтобаза (Naftobaza), Дачі (Жавинка) – Dachi (Zhavinka) |
37 |
Вокзал (Vokzal) – Ринок (Rynok), Мегацентр (Megatsentr), вул. Єськова (Yes`kova st.) |
38 |
Вокзал (Vokzal) – Ін-т геологорозвідки (Instytut geologorozvidky), пр.Миру (Prospekt Myru), Красний міст (Krasny Mist), Районна лікарня (Raionna likarnya), Сіверянка (Siveryanka) |
39 |
2-а міська лікарня (Druga mis`ka likarnya) – Технологічний ун-т (Tehnologichny universytet), Геть.Полуботка (Get`mana Polubotka), Мегацентр (Megatsentr) |
40 |
2-а міська лікарня (Druga mis`ka likarnya) – П’ять кутів (P`yat` kutiv), Україна (Ukraina), вул. Любецька (Lubets`ka st.), вул. Борисенка (Borysenka st.) |
41 |
Подусівка (Podusivka) – пр.Миру (Prospekt Myru), Ринок (Rynok), Музикальна (Muzykal`na st.), Хімволокно (Himvolokno) |
42 |
Протитуберкульозний диспансер (Protytuberkul`yozny dyspanser) – вул. Одінцова (Odintsova st.) |
43 |
Вокзал (Vokzal) – Ринок (Rynok), Ляльковий театр (Lyal`kovy Teatr), Пологовий будинок (Pologovy budynok),Олександрівка (Oleksandrivka) |
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Вул. Пухова (Pukhova st.) – Зарічне (Zarichne) |
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Вул. Одінцова (Odintsova st.) – Дачі (Березанка) – Dachi (Berezanka) |
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Хімволокно (Himvolokno)– Дачі (Якубівка) – Dachi (Yakubivka) |
Produced by PCV John Guy LaPlante* and Irina Vladimirovna Kolganova*
*U.S.A. Peace Corps Volunteer in Ukraine / * Librarian, Korolenko Regional Universal Scientific Library
With the Chernihiv Department of Public Transportation, Vladimir Vasilievich Voronin, Director
IMPORTANT! The Chernihiv Department of Public Transportation regulates these various services. It will answer your questions about any of them. You may visit it at 90 Prospect Peremogy. Or you may call with a question or a complaint at 3-31-45 or 66-91-50 (both Monday thru Friday), or 67-68-08 (weekdays only). For Autobuses, 67-68-08 weekdays from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., and 2-51-67 every day for the same hours.
Name And Contact Information Of
John Guy LaPlante 8-063-390-43-18
Iryna Volodymyrivna Kolganova 8-095-649-50-06